rubber aging test
Rubber Aging Testing Machine
Rubber Aging Testing Machine , also called ozone resistance aging chamber, which can be used in artificially simulating or strengthening ozone conditions in the atmosphere to study the effect of ozone on rubber. Uses: the main cause of rubber cracking is less ozone in the atmosphere,the Huanrui REALE ozone resistance aging test machine can be used to artificially simulate or strengthen the ozone conditions in the atmosphere, to study the role of ozone on rubber, and quickly identify and evaluate the rubber's anti-ozone aging performance and anti-ozonant protective effect. This machine is suitable for non-metallic materials, organic materials (paints, rubber, plastics) and other fields
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Rubber Ozone Resistance Test Chamber
we specialized on this chamber more than 20 years , can be customized as u demand we always pursuing high quality and good service / competitive price and cost performance
ozone chamber ozone tester Automatic CNC Universal Machine Digital Rubber Plastic Climatic Ozone Aging Test Chamber Ozone Accelerating Aging Test ChamberEmail Details -
Climatic Ozone Aging Test Chamber
we specialized on ozone aging test machine more than 20 years we are always pursuing high quality / competitive price / good service can be customized as u demand
climatic ozone aging test chamber Plastic And Rubber Ozone aging tester Ozone Age Color Fastness Test chamber,ozone aging chamber Rubber Ozone Aging Test Chamber ozone aging test box uv light chamber xenon lamp test chamber accept customization and OEMEmail Details